The arguments about diet and food and what we put in our bodies have been doing the rounds for years now. When I first put the rudimentary ideas for the disabled chef together the main Crux of the idea was to make people eat better food and to cook, helping improve their health and subsequent well-being. It’s been an uphill struggle. News yesterday that proposes a ban on snacking on public transport to help reduce the obesity crisis appears to show the battle is still being lost and that people continue to show a disregard for their health. Sadly the problem is predominantly with people on low incomes, but it’s not their fault. Society has let them down in a number of ways leading to this epidemic and unless we radically change our eating habits and educate our children to see a better way then we face a very uncertain future. I’m convinced the increase in mental health cases is linked to this problem. People have no time to sit down together let alone cook a meal and the reliance on the ready meal culture is killing us. As a kid we’d always have dinner together as a family. It was a chance to share the day, argue, talk and we always ate home cooked food. It was healthy for the body and mind. Ok, that was a bygone era but it wouldn’t take to much tweaking to bring it back. Ideas about four day weeks, mandatory cooking classes at school, plant based diets and local community cooking clubs, have a massive part to play, bringing people together to learn and enjoy life. Surely that must be are ethos if we are to redress the balance. Obviously it would mean changing much of what we’ve been fed by the authorities for the last 40 years and dismantling the lies which we’ve allowed to consume us but unless radical steps taken with courage and belief are taken to transform what and how we eat ,then things are only going to get a lot worse.

One Comment

  • James Coke says:

    Hey Stephen – How are you mate? There must be no retreat on this, we are killing ourselves. Although I don’t think we’re be running in the marathon in the near future some interesting developments on the MS front. Keep holding that line – you never know 😉
    All the best James

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